Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Too good to be true??

Sometimes I feel that as much as one claims to know oneself and understand oneself,what people who know you can come up with during random or serious discussions , can always leave you perplexed and wondering.And so did this line leave me with the Double Question Mark.

A statement like this may or may not really summarise my actions/behavior towards the person concerned,but it really makes me think how the said person,and so many of us, have graduated to a state of existence wherein

- that we tend to begin by mistrusting a person, a situation , a behavior or an event,that something can be pure without any hidden agenda/malice or ulterior motive isnt a possible option in our 'low threshold of trust' minds.
I remember how during my school and early college days I used to be accused (the fact that I use this word,is a case in point of my current state) of being very idealistic and impractically romantic (in the all-encompassing sense of the word); that I believed in a utopian world ,the significant thing being that the utopia was not a dream but a reality I believed existed only if each of us stop this inner urge to judge/mistrust and not waste our energy in finding the follies rather than treasured gifts of every individual. Sounds very very "Moral Science" bookish?
But I did believe in it -one hundred percent. However, I will not claim that I do now. Moving in life, a lot of things/instances/people,blatantly, and even more such, silently, have created this sense of cynicism in me and often I start wondering if I am still too naive,believing what I used to, or am I street smart enough. Am I making myself too vulnerable to someone, is the person's intentions genuine or not.
At work, it gets manifested in a very high capacity, less from me, than by the Big Man at work who can pass as an epitome of mistrusting people. But the fact remains that if he is like this, it may be the result of his experiences too. Ditto for so many of us.But one's behavior to others, one's experiences notwithstanding,I am sure that a basic expectation/hope that each of us subconsciously cherishes is that I am trusted by others..that I don't appear to just be "Too good to be true", posing the more pertinent and action oriented question before me- Can I do the same to others? Can I shed my cynicism and barriers of trust and behave with others how I wish they do with me? Can I begin by trusting ?

Not that I know the answer, but the fact that I have been on both sides , and a lot of us would associate that with the process called 'growing up' and becoming prepared for the world.
However,the little girl in me still thinks- the world after all, is made by us and we can make it So good that it is true

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