Thanks to "CNN IBN" which reminded me through some hilarious comments made by Cyrus Broacha that its Friendship Day today, I wasnt taken by surprise when I woke up to find so many "Friendship day" forwards sitting in the Message Inbox of my Cell phone.
I did chat with some of my friends today- thats not something unusual, some part of my Sunday generally goes in telephonic conversations, most with friends-but today I spoke to Neetisha after a long time (except for the short call I made the day when I heard of Blore blasts). Its weird how Neetisha and I have been good friends from MDI , but in terms of the time we have spent together, in each other's company, it has not been much. The best part is, whenever I close my eyes and remember moments with her, the image that comes to mind is of her immaculately clean room in MDI (in 2nd year) and our times in the Airport Raod Pizza Hut..instead of days of MDI!!
Which brings me to a point that somehow I woke up thinking (before actually realising today is Friendship Day) by strange coincidence- what does Friendship actually mean? As in,there may be several ways of expressing a bond that is more precious or special than any other, but does it come with its baggage of expectations like other human relationships do?? Does it also have that oft dreaded and confusing word called "committment" attached to it? Or of a Time frame to it? Because in my experiences (and I am always accused by my mother, to have "so many friends" ), I have had the most complicated and unexpected ends to the most cherished and closest friendships I had, so much so , that I am not even aware of the other person's current scenario in life, from being pals who knew the happenings of the nth minute in each other's lives. So much for all the concern and closeness shared and the most treasured gift of a true friendship- of understanding the unspoken.
May be the true test of any relationship, be it a friednship, is the test of time;may be its only the situation when it mattered, or may be its plain destiny.
At this moment, can sum it up in this SMS I read today-
"EK din zindagi aise mukam pe pahunch jayegi, Dosti to sirf yadon mein reh jayegi Har cup coffee doston ki yaad dilayegi Aur hanste hue ankh nam ho jayegi Office chamber mein classroom ki tasveer ban jayegi par chahne par bhi proxy nahi lag payegi Paisa toh bahut hoga lekin use lautane ki wajah hi kho jayegi
Jee le is pal ko mere dost..kyunki zindagi is pal ko fir nahi dohrayegi"
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