Saturday, January 17, 2009

A gesture to remember

This post comes because of someone's suggestion, but the incident it is about,is one that truly touched my heart.

Actually in more ways than one, today has been a good day- I got a very heartening news about a friend and the final seal on Dad buying a new car (nagging really helps sometimes!).
Now there is something I have never understood- how do people always understand whenever I am not well- both in the way I answer my phone (as is claimed by one and all) or as happened today in my depot- the "dullness" on my face ! I would like to believe that I do not take myself too seriously, and such 'vulnerably embarassing' incidents always put me on an unsure foot. So coming back to today at office (which is the C& F -Carrying & Forwarding- area of biscuits). To everyone I 'looked dull and defintely unwell' .The lady who assists me in 'Information Management' at work -my Depot MIS(thats what she is officially called),Anandi, went home as usual for lunch, but came back with a bag in her hand, containing freshly prepared "rasam,rice,chutney, vegetable and aplam". This was because Rasam is supposedly helpful in cold, and would help soothe my throat (which was going hoarse with my incessant coughing since morning). At the risk of not matching up to expressing what I actually felt at that moment, I would put some words to it-I was absolutely,deeply, touched by this sweet gesture-something so commonplace as a supposed cold/fever to be rewarded with such a thoughtful act, made me truly feel special. And I thanked God in all sincerity, for all such pleasantly surprising support that I have,in my current loner-like existence.

P.S: While penning this down, I noticed "Jodha Akhbar" on TV on a Tamil Channel, but on 'um-muting' it,I was shocked to hear Hrithik speak such flawless Tamil- well, why was I even surprised ;)

1 comment:

Rakesh said...

get well soon buddy... we don't want u all coughy-cold on Tue...